Prototyping week 1

Starting with the prototyping phase, we began testing our core mechanics. We tried in which game engine they would work best (Unreal or Unity) and how we would tackle them. Then we tried answering questions with little prototypes:

1) How will you be able to stack blocks in the game?
We needed to figure out a way how we are going to allow the players to build their towers and destroy the others.
We decided that it would be best that the characters can pick up blocks and they will float next to them. Maybe in a  little bubble.
Then when you get close to your tower, you can stack them by pressing a button. For throwing a block you can also press a button and you will throw it straight forward, being able to throw down a tower.

2) Which kind of blocks will we have?
We decided on 5 main blocks for the game:  a normal block, an explosive block, a golden block, a funky inka mask block and a rainbow block.
They will have different abilities, making the game diversified and fun. We will add those elements in the upcoming weeks in our gameplay
3) Will our map be tile-able or unique?
Since our map will be able to break off parts, we tried to figure out what would be the best way to structure our map. We decided on hexagonal shapes so we can make the map procedural with some static elements.

4)  Which camera angle will we use?
Very important question, since our main game mechanic is tower stacking. We needed to find an angle to see the whole map but also where you are being able to view high towers. We tried some quick camera angles and decided on a camera angle that is 45 degrees turned to the side and from top down.

5) How can we make the map break?
Our programmers really did a quick and good job on answering this questions. They tried it booth in Unreal and Unity. 
In Unity they were able to cut parts of meshes by slicing them in 3D-Software prior. In Unreal they found a Plugin and adjusted it to our liking.
If we want to add this game play element, we definitive would decide to use the Unreal engine. 

By next week we will also have our Art Bible finished, which means we will have decided on the art style. Another task will be to figure out our UI for the game. Most important are the main gameplay mechanics. Our game should be fun and easy - going to play.

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